There is a lot of text written on pipette calibration, service and maintenance. We have collected a number of links below to help with further reading.

Pipette History A comprehensive illustration of how pipettes developed over the last 150 years and more particularly the last 50 years. (also in Spanish)

Pipettes on Wikipedia. As you would expect Wikipedia has it all including information on pipettes.


Repetitive Strain Injury The use of electronic pipettes to reduce the risk of RSI.


Software for Pipette Calibration To assist in internal calibration regimes.


Use of Incorrect Pipette Tips Poorly fitting tips and tip cone issues can affect calibration and performance.


RT PCR, PCR and Pipettes. Reverse Transcriptase PCR work and use of pipettes. Also see internal page for advice on PCR and Pipettes


UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service

The United Kingdoms top organisation. Companies who achieved this status have invested in their service facility and staff.

A2LA (American Association for Laboratory Accreditation)

As UKAS above. There are a number of US organisations however and it would be best to check ILAC below.

ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation)

This organisation and link provides information on global organisations and their involvement on a national and international scale.


Pipette Doctor

An international pipette calibration and service company who has licensed businesses in many countries operating under the same brand and technical umbrella. Pipette Doctor is UKAS accredited.


Pipette Calibration in the UK from Pipette Doctor Ltd. As above but the original company and corner stone of the operation


ISO/IEC 17025

Official ISO website with information on this quality system


WEEE & RoHS directives . European compliance directives for product material and electrical compliance.